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10 Ideas for Creating Your Own Family Heirloom

As we build our families and establish ourselves in the world, many of us begin to think about our legacy. We wonder how we can make an impact on the ...

Refresh Your Home with These Spring Decorating Ideas!

Bees are buzzing, the trees are colorful, and the air is sweet with the scent of blooming flowers. Which can only mean one thing—Spring is here! ...

Rightsizing at the Right Time for You: Rightsizing or Relocating Part 3

What is your current lifestyle? When you first moved into your home, perhaps you were a brand-new parent or bought your first house with your new s...

Rightsizing at the Right Time for You: Rightsizing or Relocating Part 2

Will your current financial plan support your future quality of life? As you consider rightsizing, take into account your financial state. This wil...

Rightsizing at the Right Time for You: Rightsizing or Relocating Part 1

Like other life events, Rightsizing has become an accepted rite of passage for senior adults and more people, just like you, are shedding their stress...

Your Quick & Easy Guide to Helping Seniors Declutter

Helping your parent or loved one declutter without stress…is it possible? We’re here to tell you that it is! Try this step-by-step process and some of...

Moving to a Smaller Home: Small Space Organization Tips for Downsizing

How do you deal with moving into a smaller house? Sometimes you just need a little imagination and organization. With these tips for making your new s...

Financial Literacy for Seniors

April is financial literacy month—a great time to brush up on your financial knowledge. The goal is to make informed decisions, plan for the future, s...

Declutter to De-Stress: How a Tidy Space Can Benefit Your Mental Health

Containing the clutter in your home is good for your mental health! Although we all have different levels of tolerance when it comes to clutter, studi...
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